对于ubuntu12.04下使用eclipse的显示优化 本机环境:ubuntu12.04(64bit) + Eclipse juno4.2R

隐藏quick access

如果不太使用quick access, 也觉得很占显示地方,可以隐藏掉它. 编辑 /opt/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_4.2.2.v201302041200/css,

$vi e4_classic_winxp.css 

note: Here is a quick hack which doesn’t require any plugin installation, instead you just need to add a few lines to your current layout’s CSS file. Works perfectly for me in v4.2.2 Navigate to <ECLIPSE_HOME>/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_/css then open up the CSS file of whichever layout you are using, e.g. mine was e4\_default.css. Now append the following snippet to the file:

SearchField {

Now just restart Eclipse and the box is gone.

Attn: 我使用的是juno (ubuntu 12.04) ,编辑e4_classic_winxp.css (很奇怪)


YaHei Consolas Hybrid or Courier New or Consolas or Courier 10 pitch

YaHei字体获取: http://dl.dbank.com/c01bo3a1eo#


进入CVS Repository Exploring 视图,右键选择你的cvs repository , 选择properties, 然后在对话框中选择Server Encoding, 更改text file encoding选项即可。



  1. 进入 Window > Preferences > General > Startup and Shutdown 选中 Prompt for workspace on startup。
  2. 进入Eclipse的安装目录,找到configuration 目录下的 .settings 文件夹,里面有一个 org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs, 用UltraEdit等打开,也可以用写字板打开,找到RECENT_WORKSPACES,按照它的格式修改一下。
  3. 先打开Eclipse,进入之后,再去打开一次,会提示 Workspace in use or cannot be created, choose a different one 这时候就会提示你更改workspace的目录了。


my live, my love!